Syllabus Language

You may copy and paste this content into your syllabus. Please read through this in its entirety and make appropriate changes for your specific course.


Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, public health measures have been implemented across campus.  Students should stay current with these practices and expectations through the Protect the Pack website ( The sections below provide expectations and conduct related to COVID-19 issues.


Health and Participation in Class

We are most concerned about your health and the health of your classmates and instructors/TAs.

  • If you test positive for COVID-19, or are told by a healthcare provider that you are presumed positive for the virus,  please work with your instructor on health accommodations and follow other university guidelines, including self-reporting (Coronavirus Self Reporting  Self-reporting is not only to help provide support to you, but also to assist in contact tracing for containing the spread of the virus.
  • If you feel unwell, even if you have not been knowingly exposed to COVID-19, please do not come to class.
  • If you are in quarantine, have been notified that you may have been exposed to COVID-19, or have a personal or family situation related to COVID-19 that prevents you from attending this course in person (or synchronously), please connect with your instructor to discuss the situation and make alternative plans, as necessary.
  • If you need to make a request for an academic consideration related to COVID-19, such as a discussion about possible options for remote learning, please talk with your instructor for the appropriate process to make a COVID-19 request (a university-level form can be found here


Health and Well-Being Resources

These are difficult times, and academic and personal stress are natural results. Everyone is encouraged to take care of themselves ( and their peers. If you need additional support, there are many resources on campus to help you:

  • Counseling Center (NCSU Counseling Center
  • Health Center (Health Services | Student
  • If the personal behavior of a classmate concerns or worries you, either for the classmate’s well-being or yours, we encourage you to report this behavior to the NC State CARES team:  (Share a Concern
  • If you or someone you know are experiencing food, housing or financial insecurity, please see the Pack Essentials Program (Pack Essentials


Community Standards related to COVID-19

We are all responsible for protecting ourselves and our community.  Please see the community standards (released on 7/28/2020) and Rule 04.21.01 regarding Personal Safety Requirements Related to COVID-19  RUL 04.21.01 – Personal Safety Requirements Related to COVID-19 – Policies, Regulations & Rules.


Course Expectations Related to COVID-19:

  • Face Coverings: All members of the NC State academic community are required to follow all university guidelines for personal safety with face coverings, physical distancing, and sanitation.  Face coverings are required in class and in all NC State buildings. Face coverings should be worn to cover the nose and mouth and be close fitting to the face with minimal gaps on the sides. In addition, students are responsible for keeping their course/work area clean. Please follow the cleaning guidelines described by the university.
  • Course Attendance: NC State attendance policies can be found at:  REG 02.20.03 – Attendance Regulations – Policies, Regulations & Rules .  Please refer to the course’s attendance, absence, and deadline policies for additional details. If you are quarantined or otherwise need to miss class because you have been advised that you may have been exposed to COVID-19, you should not be penalized regarding attendance or class participation. However, you will be expected to develop a plan to keep up with your coursework during any such absences.  If you become ill with COVID-19, you should follow the steps outlined in the health and participation section above. COVID 19-related absences will be considered excused; documentation need only involve communication with your instructor.
  • Course Meeting Schedule: Your course might not have a traditional meeting schedule in Fall 2020.  Be sure to pay attention to any updates to the course schedule as the information in this syllabus may have changed. Please discuss any questions you have with the instructor.
  • Classroom Seating:  To support efficient, effective contact tracing, please sit in the same seat when possible and take note of who is sitting around you; instructors may also assign seats for this purpose.
  • Technology Requirements:  This course may require particular technologies to complete coursework.  Be sure to review the syllabus for these expectations, and see the syllabus technology requirements for your course. If you need access to additional technological support, please contact  the Libraries’ Technology Lending Service:  (Technology Lending).
  • Electronically Hosted Components: Please be advised this course is being recorded for current and potential future educational purposes. By your continued participation in this recorded course, you are providing your permission to be recorded.


Course Delivery Changes Related to COVID-19

Please be aware that the situation regarding COVID-19 is frequently changing, and the delivery mode of this course may need to change accordingly, including from in-person to online.  Regardless of the delivery method, we will strive to provide a high-quality learning experience.


Grading/Scheduling Changing Options Related to COVID-19

If the delivery mode has a negative impact on your academic performance in this course, the university has provided tools to potentially reduce the impact:

In some cases, another option may be to request an incomplete in the course. Before using any of these tools, discuss the options with your instructor and your academic advisor. Be aware that if you use the enhanced S/U, you will still need to complete the course and receive at least a C- to pass the course.


Other Important Resources