Activate Moodle

Create your Moodle site (and add me or a TA as an instructor, if needed):

  1. Go to and click the wolf to log in with your usual unity ID and password.
  2. Under My Wolfware find your course. If the semester is current or begins soon, it may be under the Current tab. If it is for next semester, it would be under the Future tab.
  3. Once you see your course, on the right, click the gear icon
  4. Then Request Wolfware Space
  5. On the next page, near the bottom click Activate Moodle
  6. If you are duplicating a previous semester's Moodle, find that course from this dropdown menu:
  7. Whether it's a duplicate or a new course, click Create my Moodle Space:
  8. To add me as an instructor, click Users & Rosters on the left-hand side
  9. At the bottom, search for me and add me (or whoever you want) as an instructor or hidden instructor.